Stories on Sexual Communication

Concept – Screenplay – Film Editing: 

Evi Kyrana, Health Psychologist, Sexologist
Dimitris Hatzichristou, Professor of Urology, A.U.Th.
Antonis Vlavogelakis, Journalist, Radio Producer


Gregory Apostolopoulos


Wave studio for ISUD

Coordination – Editing: 

Evi Kyrana, Health Psychologist, Sexologist


A few words about the film series

Sexual Communication is one of the most difficult issues within interpersonal sexual relations. Potentially wrong manipulations/ reactions may lead even to the end of a relationship. This series of six (6) films presents examples of both good and bad communication instances between sexual partners. The aim of the films is to give 'food for thought' to the viewer and stimulate thoughts that could lead to change of behaviors and attitudes for better communication between partners in the future.




Title: Sexual Desire

Duration: 5:31min

Cast: Antonis Karayannis, Argyro Kourliti


A few words about the story of the film: A couple faces a problem of hypoactive (low) sexual desire, a problem that usually occurs in women. The film presents characteristic ways in which couples usually cope with the problem. In such cases, the most common female behavior is avoiding sexual intercourse, whereas the most common male behavior is exerting pressure on the female partner. After watching the couple's story once, the same story is shown again for a second time; with the only difference that this time there are intervening comments and remarks inbetween scenes, so as to identify the most frequently occurring obstacles in the couples' sexual communication, as well as to present simple techniques to the improve this communication.   


Αντώνης Καραγιάννης, Αργυρώ Κουρλίτη στην ταινία 'Σεξουαλική επιθυμία'



Title: Sexual Preferences
Duration: 5:58min

Cast: Antonis Karayannis, Argyro Kourliti 

A few words about the story of the film: One of the main difficulties faced by couples in their sexual life is announcing their sexual preferences. As long as it is usually hard for each partner to guess the other's sexual desires, it is really important for both of them to feel free to express openly and clearly his/her likes and dislikes to the other. Sometimes one partner's sexual practices may induce fear or concerns to the other. Communication techniques constitute a useful tool for avoiding misunderstandings and encouraging mutual understanding. The film shows a couple's effort to explain their sexual preferences to each other. In the end, the same story is repeated again with the only difference that this time there are intervening comments and remarks inbetween scenes presenting techniques that encourage mutual understanding.

Αντώνης Καραγιάννης, Αργυρώ Κουρλίτη στην ταινία 'Σεξουαλικές προτιμήσεις'



Title: Erectile Problem Ι
Duration: 4:08min

Cast: Stathis Mavropoulos, Marianna Pashaloudi  

A few words about the story of the film: Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual problems in men. However, when a man is in a relationship, then the problem is no longer personal and becomes a problem that affects and is affected by the relationship. The story is about a couple facing the problem of erectile dysfunction. You will watch the wife expressing anger, distrust and threats against her husband, who keeps a defensive attitude. Once you see the story, the same story is repeated for a second time; with the only difference that this time there are intervening comments and remarks inbetween scenes identifying the most common mistakes in a couple's communication when one partner is possessed by anger. Such mistakes not only do not benefit a relationship but, on the contrary, they maintain and perpetuate the sexual problem.

Στάθης Μαυρόπουλος, Μαριάννα Πασχαλούδη στην ταινία "Πρόβλημα στύσης Ι"


Title: Erectile Problem II
Duration: 6:58min

Cast: Stathis Mavropoulos, Marianna Pashaloudi 

A few words about the story of the film: The film shows a couple in which both partners face together the problem of erectile dysfunction. In a calm way without saying too much, both the man and woman openly and clearly express their common concerns, worries and desire for seeking a potential solution. In other words, although this couple experience a real problem with all its negative effects, they choose to communicate in a way that is beneficial for their relationship. The story is shown once and then is repeated for a second time; with the only difference that this time there are intervening comments inbetween scenes identifying and promoting the techniques that enhance mutual understanding and lead to the resolution of the sexual problem. 


Στάθης Μαυρόπουλος, Μαριάννα Πασχαλούδη στην ταινία "Πρόβλημα στύσης ΙΙ"



Title: The wife finds discovers her husband's erection pills I
Duration: 7:53min

Cast: Yannis Mohlas, Aliki Dourmazer

A few words about the story of the film:  Erection drugs are one of the most widely used and effective ways for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The use of erection drugs is usually perceived by men and women in a completely different way. In this story, a woman discovers that her husband uses erection drugs. More specifically, you will see a woman expressing intensely her anger, objections and concerns.  The communication of the couple is problematic and totally dysfunctional and in no way does it help towards mutual understanding. The story is shown once and then is repeated for a second time, with the only difference that this time there are intervening comments and remarks inbetween scenes identifying and pointing out the mistakes in the couple's communication.

Γιάννης Μόχλας, Αλίκη Δουρμαζέρ στην ταινία 'Η σύζυγος βρίσκει χάπια Ι'


Title: The wife discovers her husband's erection pills II
Duration: 5:43min

Cast: Yannis Mohlas, Aliki Doumazer

A few words about the story of the film: The film shows a couple the moment the woman discovers that her husband uses erection drugs. You will watch both the woman and man trying together to cope with the problem, by using useful communication techniques. The story is shown once and then it is repeated, with the only difference that this time there are intervening comments and remarks inbetween scenes identifying the communication techniques that contribute to mutual understanding and better treatment of the problem.

Γιάννης Μόχλας, Αλίκη Δουρμαζέρ στην ταινία 'Η σύζυγος βρίσκει χάπια ΙI'